The first post

So here we are... After using social media for so long for various purposes I decided to start a blog where I can write about my perspectives, personality, preferences, experiences, in a bit more detail than I can write on twitter. Twitter is cool but I wanted to try something else as well. Something where I can expand it a bit further. So I've made this blog. The main purpose of this blog is to write whatever the hell I want and share it with Y'all. I have no idea where this would go, all I know is I have something to say, something to say which is significant not because I feel what I say is significant but because I believe this world needs some bold people who would say whatever is needed to be said, just the way they feel, clear and straightforward. And I think I can be that voice, my past is the evidence. So stepping into the future through the gates of the eternal present moment I start this new adventure of individuality, self-expression, and inspiration. I hope and pray for the divine grace and I am so f***ing excited to get started. SO LET'S GET STARTED, PEOPLE...


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