Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and Wisdom, both the terms sound the same to most people. Some may distinguish between the two, but may not have given enough thought to this. So let's go into it today. As per the general definition, knowledge means knowing of facts, truths, and principles. And Wisdom means, "knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action" as describes it. So where does the difference lie?
Well, let's take an example from the religions. Religions teach people killing someone is a sin, stealing is a sin. Ok, the principles are told, now it's in people's knowledge. But what the shocking part in this example is that does a Messiah or Avatar has to come down from heaven and educate people about all these fundamental things? Why aren't these principles arising from people's own level of perception? And that is where I believe the whole difference between Knowledge and Wisdom lies. When the truths, the fundamental principles of righteousness would arise from your own level of living awareness and not just from that memory bank of the mind, then that is called Wisdom. Of course, good thoughts put in mind can also become a part of the Wisdom but it requires assimilation. And the process of assimilation is where the whole models of imparting wisdom in this world by religions, society, organizations, preachers, scholars, institutions and everything else lagged behind. That's where it all failed.
In my opinion, Assimilation requires a deep understanding of how the mind works. Not how people's minds work, that's where it all got messed up, but how YOUR own mind works. Read the previous line again, yes dot it, read it again right now. Look around what's happening, Preachers are preaching all the crammed scriptures everywhere but does it come from their own wisdom? It is mere knowledge and if not assimilated well, it means nothing to them or to the people, it would rather develop a false sense of identity of possessing some great wisdom which in itself is dangerous. J. Krishnamurti said, "Knowledge is an addiction, as drink;  knowledge does not bring understanding. knowledge can be taught but not wisdom; there must be freedom from knowledge for the coming of wisdom." 
So this is where all the spiritual practices come. Yoga, Meditation, Prayers, Mindfulness, are all practices for growing awareness on your mind and body so that you can assimilate and transform yourself however you desire. It cultivates the inner stillness and that is said to be the source of all wisdom. As Osho puts it beautifully, "Knowledge comes from without, wisdom arises within." 
So let's start thinking. Let's just try to understand it. Let's give it a few sincere thoughts. What happened to the civilization? Where it went wrong? Why is the wisdom missing from the masses? And I hope someday, someday, our systems of education would incorporate the development of wisdom in their basic curriculum. I hope that it happens. I pray that it happens soon.


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