Emotions, a curse or a blessing?

An Emotion is an inner experience which consists of a sensation complimented with a thought to which the body reacts in a certain way, and this way it shapes our human experience. Isn't it so? Observe right now, are you feeling any emotion? Then you'll be aware of a subtle feeling sensation. What is causing that? Then you'll be aware of the thought pattern which is most probably influenced by any outside situation. And then see how is your body reacting to that? Then you'll understand how these are determining your course of action moment to moment. Don't just read, start to observe, start to be aware of the inside. Then only you'll understand. Or my words would just come and go, you'll gain absolutely nothing at all from reading this. Just observe yourself and see how it all is happening. 

"Emotions or sensations are natural, healthy, normal. But when thought takes over, all the mischief begins." ~ J. Krishnamurti

Then question yourself where do emotions come from? You'll come to know that they come from the memories of the past. It could be memories of yesterday, last month, last year, decade or your childhood or even previous lifetimes. What kind of memory you'll ask. "A subtle memory", I'll answer. A memory consisting of certain patterns in which the subtle energies function within you. That stimulate like thoughts (law of attraction I guess ;) and those thoughts backed by the emotions result in actions(Karma). Ugh, too deep to understand, right? That's why I told you to start being aware of your inside and understand it by your own experience. As Esther Hicks says, “Words don’t teach, it’s only life experience that really teaches.” No matter how many books you read, you'll start to think that you understand it on an intellectual level, but you wouldn't until you start to be aware of your inner self. 

Most humans live as slaves to their minds. Their actions are blindly guided by their emotions, which are led by lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego identity. So to understand the emotions is to transcend these "sins." Until you don't be aware of your inner state, you can never ever follow any religious text, or master or tradition. It'll all be an outer drama, as it is these days with most people. How I say it is, "The only sin is unconscious compulsiveness." 

These compulsive emotions are the reasons for all the crimes on this planet. Just think about it. To be truly free, we need to perform conscious actions. As per my little understanding, that's the only way to master destiny. There are no overnight shortcuts that I am aware of. So for that we need to understand what an emotion is. 

Do this sometime, Just be totally aware of the sensations we call emotions. Just live that sensation totally without labeling it. Then be completely aware of all the thoughts labeling that sensation as good, bad, happy, sad or anything else. Be totally aware of body's reaction to that. Just observe and do not judge. Even if the judgements come to the mind, Observe that too without any participation. In That state of untouched awareness, you are already beyond your emotions and in that state your actions will not be led by their compulsiveness. And then in time, the subtle patterns we call emotions will start to get dissolved into the pure awareness. The light of awareness will start to heal the emotional wounds and those emotions would be transformed into a profound calmness and bliss. 

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”

― J. Krishnamurti

Of course, there are Yogic practices that you can do for the mind's dissolution into the pure awareness. The grace of the divine masters would start to do everything for you if you just dissolve your mind a bit and be receptive to the grace. But you got to be receptive. 

What most people do is, because they want to create positive vibes and do all that, they start to repress their low emotions, which is dangerous. What is needed is to face them, feel them , live them with total awareness. That's the only way to deal with them. And then move further beyond them. 

Emotions are magic in themselves. Emotions fill colors to the human experience. Without emotions, the life would be dull and dry. But for most, emotions have become a huge cause of suffering. To get out of that emotional trap, we need to bring the light of pure awareness within. No not bring, but allow the light of pure awareness to shine forth within. That is the only way. There is no other way. You can play little tricks, take substances to release the "happy chemicals" in your brain in order to feel good. But that will not only damage your system but will make you a slave to such substances for your happiness. How strange are we humans, we keep begging from a drop of momentary pleasures from here and there outside, when the endless nectar of bliss lies within ourselves. 

I hope you'd just think about what I said. Just be curious to know about your inner self, really curious. I think that's enough. Good luck!


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