
Showing posts with the label Philosophy

Self or No Self, Advaita vs Buddha

In Advaita Vedanta, which is known as the non-dual system of the religion, it is said that there is only one Self (Atman) and that is all-pervasive, that is the Supreme Self (Brahmn) and that is the Ultimate Reality. Rest all are the mere 5 sensory experiences happening in the Self and the Self is beyond all the experiences, but being aware of it all, unaffected by any of it. It is everywhere yet its location is nowhere at the same time which means it is beyond space-time continuum. It is the same Self having different experiences through whole universe at once. It is all a divine play(Leela). Duality exists because the Consciousness is locked up in this mind-body matrix which is called the great illusion (Maya) and when it is freed, it starts to perceive the Ultimate Reality, the Oneness of All there is and there is not. Whereas, Buddhists say there is no Self. There is nothing at the core of it, it is all emptiness (Shunya). What is there are mere sensations, perceptions of the m...

Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and Wisdom, both the terms sound the same to most people. Some may distinguish between the two, but may not have given enough thought to this. So let's go into it today. As per the general definition, knowledge means knowing of facts, truths, and principles. And Wisdom means, "knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action" as describes it. So where does the difference lie? Well, let's take an example from the religions. Religions teach people killing someone is a sin, stealing is a sin. Ok, the principles are told, now it's in people's knowledge. But what the shocking part in this example is that does a Messiah or Avatar has to come down from heaven and educate people about all these fundamental things? Why aren't these principles arising from people's own level of perception? And that is where I believe the whole difference between Knowledge and Wisdom lies. When the truths, the fundamental princ...