
Showing posts with the label Reality

What's better, inner stillness or a sacred mantra?

The term "Mantra" is being used very loosely these days. People often say, what is your success mantra? Tell me what your mantra is. It is often implied as if it is some secret formula to do something in a shortcut manner. Well, let us discuss what it is and how does it compare to Stillness. The term "mantra" comes from "man" and "tra." "man" means mind and "tra" means tool. So mantra can be referred to as a tool of the mind. Mantra has absolutely no meaning in itself, it is the sound enhancement of a particular subtle vibration. Now even the quantum physicists are declaring that this whole universe in made up of subtle vibrations of energy. We, yogis, refer to this universe as "Naada Brahmn." The term "Naada" means sound and "Brahmn" means God. So this creation is very subtle amalgamation of vibrations and those vibrations have their own sounds, so this whole amalgamation of sounds is referred to...

Renunciation, Seeking or Escaping? Part -1

What is renunciation? Its literal meaning is a formal rejection of beliefs, lifestyles, and/or course of action. In religious and spiritual terms, it means renouncing all material lifestyles, relationships, and living life as a renunciate monk. It is very popular in India. It is said that one who has renounced this material world has come on the path to God.  A renunciate or a "sanyasi" as we call it in India, basically means he/she renunciates all the desires for himself/herself. All their course of action would be either for the attainment of Enlightenment or for the betterment of society or any other selfless motive. So they move out of the material world. They refrain from working for personal gain, or from living with family, or from having any sensual pleasures, from living an ordinary lifestyle.  All this is done just to direct their life energies towards the higher goal, Self - Realization.   Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi says, " Sannyasa is only the renunciation o...