
Showing posts with the label Spirit

Self or No Self, Advaita vs Buddha

In Advaita Vedanta, which is known as the non-dual system of the religion, it is said that there is only one Self (Atman) and that is all-pervasive, that is the Supreme Self (Brahmn) and that is the Ultimate Reality. Rest all are the mere 5 sensory experiences happening in the Self and the Self is beyond all the experiences, but being aware of it all, unaffected by any of it. It is everywhere yet its location is nowhere at the same time which means it is beyond space-time continuum. It is the same Self having different experiences through whole universe at once. It is all a divine play(Leela). Duality exists because the Consciousness is locked up in this mind-body matrix which is called the great illusion (Maya) and when it is freed, it starts to perceive the Ultimate Reality, the Oneness of All there is and there is not. Whereas, Buddhists say there is no Self. There is nothing at the core of it, it is all emptiness (Shunya). What is there are mere sensations, perceptions of the m...

Serving Others, an Expression or a Transaction

I often hear people especially in religions and spirituality talking about serving other people and I find myself thinking about it. Then I question myself, serving whom? A particular society or community? Who are these people who need to be served and why? Why am I concerned about serving others? If I am really concerned about them, are they still "others?" YES, read the previous line again.  This I feel is the whole point of doing selfless action for others(Karma Yoga). "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;"  When the service is performed because, on a deeper level, somewhere, you have realized that they are no "others" but your own people(I would restrain myself from using the term your own "Self" since I'm not enlightened yet;). Then whatever you do for them becomes sacred. When their joy becomes your joy, which further means that when you have crossed the boundaries of your worldly i...