Who am I? The noise in my head and bodily sensations?
Who am I? The question has become very famous now, thanks to Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi who, with His grace, is helping masses to go within and find the true ultimate Self (Yes, I replaced "their true ultimate Self" to "the true ultimate Self). So when I read these teachings of Bhagwan Ramana, Bhagwan Buddha, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Shri Ashtavakra and all the masters who primarily prescribe the path of Jnana or Gyan Yoga which translates to the Wisdom Yoga, one of the four main types of Yoga, I am pushed to become aware of the mind and analyze how it all works. So all my literary work is mostly based on my analysis and my little experiences and understanding of the within. When for the first time I started meditating and I went into a meditative state, what I experienced was pure silence within. For a few moments, there were no thoughts at all, it was pure silence and pure peace and it was so so beautiful. But after a few moments, my karma bounced back and pulled me back to...